
St. Louis Chapter - Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors

Please follow our social sites: StL Surveyor on Facebook & msps.stl on Instagram to keep current with posts and opportunities!

In the first quarter of 2024 – the board of directors voted to create a Scholarship Committee to oversee the application process.

In June of 2024, the application, requirements and ranking criteria were prepared by the committee and officers of the St. Louis Chapter.

    The 2024 St. Louis Chapter MSPS Scholarship Application is HERE

    MSPS-St. Louis Chapter Awards Its First Scholarship

    [St. Louis, Mo.  December 11th, 2024] – The St. Louis Chapter of the Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors is proud to announce the awarding of its first scholarship.

    This scholarship was awarded to Leah Guss of Truxton, Missouri. Leah has been working with Lewis-Bade, Inc., in Warrenton, Missouri, as part of a field-to-finish survey crew while completing Warrenton high school with honors.  Leah has just completed her first semester at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville as a part of the Geomatics program. She has been volunteering at fundraising events such as the recent MSPS/IPLSA golf tournament. Leah has been involved with 4H and the FFA competitions as a national finalist, band, and she enjoys bow-hunting, and deer hunting.

    The MSPS-STL Chapter reviewed applications for the new scholarship before deciding she would be the first recipient. “She has set the bar pretty high”, said Josh Saunders who is the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee.

    The MSPS-STL Chapter intends to award future scholarships for those taking academic courses and working towards professional licensure and is accepting scholarship applications for 2025 through their website at


    Watch Leah’s Video Here

    Address for mailed correspondence:

    St. Louis Chapter MSPS

    P.O. Box 4372

    Chesterfield, MO 63006